What We Do

K12 Infotech seeks to be a comprehensive technology partner for the schools, small businesses, and non-profits that we serve. We offer a broad range of technology services including:


Installation Services

Installation of physical network infrastructure, wireless network systems, public address systems, security cameras, electronic door access systems, VoIP phone systems, projectors and smart classroom equipment, and general cabling for a variety of low-voltage applications





Technical Support

Support for computer networks, wireless networks, end-user desktops and laptops, servers, G Suite for Education and Business, 1:1 classroom device deployments (Chromebooks, iPads), and much more




Consultation/Planning Services

 Wired and wireless network deployment planning, software and cloud service selection, student and employee device recommendation, long-term technology implementation planning, data disaster recovery planning






On-site and remote routine monitoring of network systems, computer system upgrades, malware removal and prevention on end-user devices, system optimization, bandwidth optimization, firmware updates, and much more





Standardized Testing Support

Setup and support for computer-based standardized testing including WI State Forward Exam, NWEA MAP testing, Renaissance STAR testing, and others